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Written Driving Directions


South on I-64 or I-75

NOTE (I-64 and I-75 merge just south of Georgetown, Ky.)

Follow I-64 or I-75 South to Exit 113 (marked Paris/Lexington). Turn right off the exit ramp onto North Broadway (US 68). Follow through downtown for 3 miles. 走过凯悦酒店一个街区,在红绿灯处左转进入麦克斯韦街.


到纪念体育馆-在第5个红绿灯处,右转进入玫瑰街. At the next light, turn right. Memorial Coliseum will be on your right.


到Aquatic和Seaton中心-在第五个红绿灯处,右转到玫瑰街. You will pass through three lights. After the third light, turn left onto Huguelet Street. At the stop sign, make a right on University Drive. Turn left at the first road which is Complex Drive. The Kirwan and Blanding dorm complex is on your left; Seaton Center and Lancaster Aquatic Center are on your right.


Coldstream Research Campus

Coldstream研究校区位于64号州际公路/ 75号州际公路115号出口的Newtown Pike.


South and Southwest on Bluegrass Parkway

Follow the Bluegrass Parkway to Lexington. Turn right off the ramp onto Route 60 (Versailles Road). Follow until it becomes a one-way street, West Maxwell.


到纪念体育馆-在第6个红绿灯处,右转进入玫瑰街. Memorial Coliseum will be on your right.


到Aquatic和Seaton中心-在第6个红绿灯处,右转到玫瑰街. You will pass through three lights. After the third light, turn left onto Huguelet Street. At the stop sign, make a right on University Drive. Turn left at the first road which is Complex Drive. The Kirwan and Blanding dorm complex is on your left; Seaton Center and Lancaster Aquatic Center are on your right.


North on I-75

Follow I-75 North to Exit 104 (marked Athens/Lexington). Turn left off of the ramp onto Athens-Boonesboro Road. Follow for 8.2 miles to downtown. Turn left onto Rose Street. 


到纪念体育馆-在第四个红绿灯处,右转进入冠军大道. Memorial Coliseum will be on your right.


到Aquatic和Seaton中心-在第6个红绿灯处,左转到Huguelet街. At the stop sign, make a right on University Drive. Turn left at the first road which is Complex Drive. The Kirwan and Blanding dorm complex is on your left; Seaton Center and Lancaster Aquatic Center are on your right.